Spend a day with Denny

This past December, 1996 Handball Olympian, Denny Fercho, suffered a severe stroke. The stroke was life threatening, but fortunately he was rushed quickly to a hospital to stabilize his condition and eventually begin his long road to recovery.

After two months in the hospital he was able to return home in February.

While Denny's stay at the hospital was mostly covered by insurance he will now have substantial out of pocket costs for home care and multiple weekly therapies (occupational, physical and speech) as he continues his recovery. All told, approximately $100K-$130K that will be required, to sustain and improve his quality of life, over the next year.

Multiple friends and former teammates have stepped into help, including a $10,000 donation from the Olympian Fund have started to make a dent into these out of pocket costs. But, more help is sought as Denny continues to fight through the challenges of recovery.

Costs are roughly $250/day so we are hoping that you will consider "Spending a Day with Denny." If your circumstances allow you to give more please do so. Smaller contributions are also appreciated as every little bit helps.

All contributions to support A Day With Denny are set up to be received by the "Friends of Will Penn Foundation", a 501c-3, supporting brain trauma, and are 100% tax deductible. Your contribution supports a day of physical, occupational and speech therapy sessions for 1996 Olympian Denny Fercho and 100% of your funds will go to Denny’s care.

All donations made to the foundation are 100% Tax Deductible. Friends of Will Penn is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Tax ID: 47-4947967

If you have any questions regarding your contribution, please feel free to contact the 1996 Men's Olympic Team Captain, Matt Ryan at ryanfamilypcm@gmail.com or 403.357.5559.

We will provide periodic updates on Denny's progress and we thank you for your support.